Demon's Bride Read online

Page 28

  “I had the innkeeper give me another key.”

  Of course he did. Leo could make anything happen through force of will.

  Untrue—he had not made Anne love him. That, she had done all on her own.

  “I want to be alone with my wife,” he said.

  “I don’t think she wants to be alone with you,” answered Zora.

  Before Leo could retort, Anne spoke. “It’s all right. And I’m certain Lord Whitney would rather have you with him than sitting on the floor in here.”

  “I left him in the taproom,” said Leo.

  Anne thought she could hear reluctance in Zora’s movements as she rose. But the Gypsy walked quietly from the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Anne and Leo were alone.

  “Here’s some stew and bread.” As he said this, she heard a bowl being set down atop a table, and the rich scent of cooked meat and the yeasty aroma of freshly baked bread drifted through the room.

  “I’ve no appetite.”

  He expelled a breath. “Think what you will of me, Anne, but don’t starve yourself out of spite.”

  Taking her arm away, Anne looked over to where he stood near a small table. Arms crossed, feet braced wide. He had borrowed some of Lord Whitney’s clothing—a serviceable green coat and waistcoat, in addition to the shirt, but no stock, so the collar of his shirt fell open to reveal the strong sinews of his neck, the shadow at the base of his throat. Hair wet, undone, and slicked straight back. Yet he had not shaved. Golden stubble lined his cheeks. He was dangerous as a buccaneer, and blade-handsome.

  Yearning and need throbbed through her. And sorrow.

  “Spite? Is that what this is? Spite?” She sat up, and the room tilted. Truly, weariness took a toll. And, she admitted to herself, hunger. “How very petty of me. To be out of temper when I discover that my husband is in league with the Devil. And had been lying to me for the whole of our marriage. What a dreadful virago I am.”

  His expression hardened. “Don’t,” he growled. “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you.”

  “As truth ill becomes you.”

  Snarling in frustration, he dragged his hands through his hair. Anne watched his every movement with a greedy pain. She wished she could despise him. How simple everything might be.

  “It was a mistake,” he ground out. “A goddamned mistake.”

  “Putting too much sugar in one’s tea is a mistake. Giving one’s soul to the Devil in exchange for dark magic deserves a grander sobriquet.”

  He crossed the room in two long strides, until he loomed over her. “You’re a woman possessed of a good imagination. Imagine this: You are offered your heart’s desire. What you want more than anything in the world. The cost of this gift is never mentioned, only its advantages. All you have to do is hand over the smallest trinket, and you finally possess that which you’ve always coveted.” Anger and need darkened his eyes as he stared down at her. “Imagine it, Anne. Put yourself precisely in that situation and then judge me.”

  She stared up at him. This fierce storm of a man, devastating as a hurricane. She did as he asked; she envisaged herself in his position. Months ago, before she had met him, what might she have wanted so badly? A place of her own. A husband, family.

  She did have those things, and lost them. Both because of Leo. But to keep them, to keep him ...

  The other Hellraisers were men of wealth and aristocratic privilege. Leo had wealth in abundance, but not the proper breeding. She knew so much about him now, how much he craved access into a world that barred him entrance, his pride. His need for acceptance.

  All of those things he had been offered. Few could have resisted the temptation. Saints, perhaps, and Leo was far from beatification. God knew she was no saint.

  “The lies, Leo,” she said at last. “All those untruths I swallowed, like a credulous patient gulping poison instead of medicine.”

  “What was I to tell you? How could I even begin to broach the topic? ‘Lovely day at the Exchange, my dearest, and by the by, I made a bargain with the Devil.’”

  She shoved up from the bed, shouldering past him. “Do not be flippant about this. You’ve no right to ridicule me.”

  He let out a breath. “True. I’ve only my self-abnegation. And your hatred of me. Both justly earned.”

  “I don’t hate you.” She turned to face him.

  He brightened, and the hope in his gaze made her heart break all over again.

  “I want to despise you.” She knew she was being cruel, yet the cruelty was for herself as well as him. “It is not merely the lies you told, but the fact that you deliberately used me. Collecting coins for you. Having me believe I was gratifying some secret wish, a shared confidence for you and I alone. And I was so bloody eager to give you whatever I could. To help forge our wedding vows into a true marriage.” She shoved her knuckles into her eyes, forcing back the tears that wanted to fall. When she felt in control of herself again, she let her hands hang down at her sides. “None of it was genuine. Just a manipulation.”

  He did not look away, did not flinch. Though it was clear that each word she spoke wounded him. Anger drained from his gaze, leaving behind regret and pain.

  “True, again.” His voice was a harsh rasp. “I used you, Anne. Most grievously. I’ve no excuse but my own greed. There’s naught I can say but ... I am sorry.” He swallowed hard. “From the depths of my heart, I’m sorry.”

  She wanted to go to him. Comfort him. Never had she seen him in such pain, or with such aching want. Yet she kept herself rooted to the floor, the cool of the warped floorboards chilling her feet.

  “I do not know what between us is real. What is illusion.” She forced words from her burning throat. “Did you ever care for me, Leo? Or was I simply a puppet?”

  He moved stiffly to the window, and braced his hands on either side of the glass. His distant gaze seemed to barely see anything outside. Cold light carved him into sharp planes.

  “At the onset,” he began, “my motives were mercenary. Perhaps even more so than one of your typical aristo marriages. I saw you as a key, a way to open doors that had been closed to me. Ours was not a love match.”

  His words hit her like thrown rocks, yet she anticipated the blows. “That, I know. Each of us gained something from the marriage. It was a business deal. Commodities exchanged.” She blinked as a sudden ray of sunlight pierced the gloom and knifed into the chamber. It could not hold out against the clouds, though, and shrank away until only its afterimage remained burned into her sight.

  “Still,” she continued, “I thought that, in time, we came to share something. Something beyond ... the boundaries of commerce and trade.”

  He turned back to her, his expression fierce. “We did. We do.”

  “How can I know? What can I trust?”

  “Trust this.” He stalked across the room to her. She knew his intent, and stayed precisely where she stood.

  She thought he would grab her roughly, crush her to him. Certainly his gaze burned and his visage tightened with hunger. But he was not cruel, nor brutal.

  Stepping close so that their chests met, he threaded his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head with exquisite tenderness. He tipped her head back. Ravenous, reverent, his gaze moved over her face, as if seeking to commit every inch of her to memory. Slight tremors shook his hands, or perhaps it was she who trembled.

  He lowered his mouth to hers, brushing his lips across hers, relearning her feel. Her eyes drifted closed as he took the kiss deeper, lips opening, urging hers to part. She wanted this so badly. When her own mouth opened, allowing him inside, a sound midway between a moan and a growl curled up from deep in his chest, a sound of profound need.

  She tasted him, and his flavor was delicious, bittersweet. For he was familiar and strange, wonderful and terrible. Her hands came up to grip his tight biceps. This was as much touch she would allow herself, though she wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him close.

  My God, how tenderl
y he kissed her. His lips spoke to her; she was the center of everything, the origin and the destination. Sweet and profound.

  “Trust this,” he whispered against her mouth. “You seek truth. Here it is.”

  “A kiss can lie,” she whispered back.

  He shook his head. “Not mine. I’ve not the art of a seducer. Nor the words.” He pulled back enough so that their gazes met, and locked. “In all that has happened, in all that I had, you were the truest thing. Only you.”

  She felt herself bleeding inside, torn and agonized. What he wanted from her, she did not know she could give. “Leo ...”

  Abruptly, he released her and stepped away. Her hands hung in the air as he tugged off his borrowed coat. Waistcoat and shirt followed, all of them tossed to the floor without thought. Until he stood before her, bare-chested but for the bandages.

  He turned, and she saw—for only the second time—the markings on his back. The pattern of flames twisted across his shoulders, emphasizing firm muscles. They were almost beautiful, the markings, but for their sinister connotation. They showed he remained the Devil’s possession.

  “The marks have grown,” he said, keeping his back to her. “From the first day to now, they have spread over me. I didn’t know why, not until this morning.

  “When they cover you, your soul is utterly lost.” The markings coiled down from his shoulders, along his back in a V-shape. A single tongue of flame wound down the length of his spine. Yet the skin of his back was not fully covered by the images. His lower back remained mostly bare, as did the upper curve of his buttocks, just appearing at the waistband of his breeches.

  “Even with my gift of prophecy,” he said over his shoulder, “much of what I do on the Exchange involves hours of research, and careful consideration of available facts and knowledge. But instinct is vital, too. I trust my instincts. Always have. They seldom lead me astray.”

  He faced her, chin high. “And I trust my instincts now when they tell me that those markings would have covered me by now ... were it not for you.”

  She blinked. “Me?”

  “You saved my soul.” He spoke plainly, with no embellishment, no uncertainty. “Had you not come into my life, had you not been who you are, my soul would now belong to the Devil. I know this as I know my own heartbeat.”

  Slowly, she walked toward him, and he held himself very still. She moved past him, until she faced his back.

  Her hand brushed over the slope of his shoulder. He inhaled sharply at the contact. Beneath her touch, his muscles tightened, responsive and alive. He radiated heat. With careful deliberation, she traced the markings, each image of flame drawn upon his skin.

  “I wish ...” She followed the marks, trailing down between his shoulder blades, along his spine. The capability of this man, his will made flesh. “I wish you valued yourself more.”

  “When I’m with you,” he rasped, “I do. I see what I can become, the better man I might be.”

  “Might be,” she echoed. “But will you become that man?”

  He shook his head. “The one future I cannot see is my own.”

  “Yet you envisioned mine. You touched something that belonged to me, and you saw.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and turned him to face her. Releasing him, she picked up a scattering of pins she had removed from her hair, then placed them in his hand. “Tell me what you see now.”

  Reluctance tightened his mouth. “Anne ...”

  “Tell me.”

  He exhaled. Then his gaze grew distant—the same distance that had come into his eyes when they stood on the banks of the Thames, and he had taken a ribbon from her hair. Fresh anger surged. He had used his magic against her. It felt like a violation.

  His gaze sharpened again. “It was ... unclear.”

  “No prevarication,” she bit out. “Honesty, Leo. Or there is no moving forward.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I am being honest. I saw more demons, and a struggle. I was there, too. But the where and when of it—that I couldn’t tell.”

  Her uncertain future held only one certainty: another battle. What transpired between then and now, and what came after—assuming there was an after—that lay in her hands.

  She stared down at them, her hands. Not so long ago, they were as dangerous as hothouse lilies, and just as delicate. Now, they contained power. Truly for the first time in her life, she had power.

  And she would make use of it.

  Chapter 16

  “What do you want?”

  Anne looked from her hands to stare up at Leo. How could she answer that demand, when she could not see through the tempest engulfing her heart? She wanted to pull him close. She wanted to fling him from her. She wanted solitude and she wanted intimacy. It seemed impossible that one person could contain such a multitude of contradictions—yet she did.

  She needed to test him, test herself. If she read his innermost self, what would she find there? A text of devotion, or more deceit? She did not know if she could gather the tatters of her own heart and step out into the storm. Or perhaps the silken ties that bound her to him were gone forever. One way to know for certain.

  She raised herself up on her toes and kissed him. Deeply.

  For a moment, he held himself still, as if afraid to respond and drive her away. Even with tension thrumming through his body, she sensed his restraint, allowing her to find what she needed to discover.

  Desire flared through her, and she grew bolder. He groaned as the kiss heated. Not tender, but hungry, their mouths opening, tongues slick. She gripped his shoulders. Their bodies pressed flush against each other. Beneath the fine material of her shift, she felt his whole body—every plane and hewn surface, each sinew underneath satiny flesh. As she burned hotter, his caution ebbed. His large hands cupped her behind, bringing her tight, hip to hip.

  Hunger tore through her, stronger than sense or wisdom. Her heart still ached. Words of apology and remorse might suture his betrayal, but the wound remained, and its pain throbbed in time with desire.

  She never knew that one could desire someone this way—shredded by loss and sorrow, consumed with wanting. An appetite that grew even as she devoured more and more. She must learn the secrets of his heart, and this urged her on, demanding more.

  Gasping, she broke the kiss. Yet she had only just begun. When she tugged him toward the bed, he went willingly, face dark, expression stern.

  “Take off your clothes.” Her terse command surprised them both.

  He obeyed, unhesitating. His gaze held hers as he tugged off his boots and undid the buttons on his breeches. These he peeled from his body, and then, save for the bandages, he was naked.

  “I’ve never seen you this way,” she murmured. “In the light.” Nowhere to hide. Nothing to conceal or disguise.

  He understood this moment’s significance. He let her look her fill, and look she did.

  She discovered that her husband was stunning. Lean and muscled, his arms hewn, shoulders wide, the surfaces of his chest, scattered with golden hair, the taut ridges of his torso that led to a hard, flat stomach. The line of hair that trailed from his navel. The long, firm muscles of his thighs, the indentations above his buttocks. He was no soft aristocrat, no pampered gentleman. Years of struggle had fashioned his body into something fierce and tough.

  She wanted to curse the bandages for obscuring him with their lattice. This was the body of the man with whom she had shared so much pleasure, such profound intimacy. It frightened her, a little, to see what she had known and touched and kissed, as though she had fallen asleep with a hunting dog at her feet and woken up with a wolf.

  For all that, he was human, too, as evidenced by the intriguing scars and small collections of freckles. A man of flesh. Her gaze touched upon the scar on his shoulder, given to him by Lord Whitney—a reminder of the tapestry of deceit that had been woven by Leo’s hands.

  Something on his calf drew her attention. More markings of flame climbed up the thick muscles.

�Why two sets of markings?”

  He glanced away, and she saw the hard beat of his pulse in his throat. “Those came later. The geminus offered me more power.”

  Which he did not refuse, clearly. “When?”

  “After I made the other investment for your father,” Leo said. “It knew I was wavering. Sought to bind me to the Devil with further temptation.”

  That was not so long ago. After the riot at the theater, after both she and Leo had been endangered by the evil he and the other Hellraisers had unleashed. Yet he had given in to the Devil subsequent to all this.

  She dragged her gaze back up to his face. He looked like a man ravaged, passion and yearning and regret in his eyes.

  Her resolve held. Many questions remained unanswered: what he wanted from her, whether she might salvage the care she once felt for him. She would put them both to the test.

  Urging him back, she pressed him down when the backs of his knees met the edge of the bed. He sat, then leaned back on his elbows when she pushed against his shoulders.

  He lay like that, braced on elbows and forearms, feet upon the floor, staring up at her with eyes the color of storm clouds. His cock strained up toward his navel. His fingers gripped the coverlet. Only his ruthless resolve seemed to keep him from leaping on her, claiming her.

  She bent over him, bracing her hands on the bed, and kissed him hungrily. He reached for her. She grabbed his wrists and lowered them to the bed. His fingers curled into the bedclothes. Giving in to her demands.

  For all the deception, on an intrinsic level, they knew each other. And this caused her hurt to renew itself all over again, reminding her of what had been sacrificed.

  She wanted to push him as far as she could.

  Pressing her body to his, she rubbed her breasts against his chest. The fine material of her chemise provided little barrier. He was solid and hot beneath her. Sensation sparked outward from the taut points of her nipples, and against her belly she felt the thick, hard shape of his cock.

  “Is this what you came for?” she challenged, breathless as she teased them both. “Why you chased after me? The softness of my body when the rest of your world is hard and cold?”